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Climbing Out of Darkness: How Rock Climbing Helped Me Conquer Depression

Eric Hansen presses through Holdum 15 (5.10). (Photo: Andrew Burr)
Eric Hansen presses through Holdum 15 (5.10). (Photo: Andrew Burr)

Today, I want to open up about something deeply personal: my battle with depression and how rock climbing became my lifeline. This isn't just another guide on climbing techniques or gear reviews; it's a heartfelt account of how scaling those walls, both literal and metaphorical, has transformed my life. If you're struggling with depression or know someone who is, I hope my story and tips can offer a ray of hope.

Finding My Rock

Depression feels like being stuck in a dark cave with no visible way out. For years, I grappled with a heavy, unrelenting sadness that made everyday tasks seem insurmountable. Therapy and medication helped, but I needed something more—a spark to ignite my will to fight. That's when I discovered rock climbing.

At first, climbing was just another activity to try, but it quickly became so much more. The physical exertion, mental focus, and sense of achievement provided a powerful antidote to the shadows lurking in my mind. Here are the ways rock climbing has helped me, and how it can help you too.

Physical Benefits: Building Strength and Stamina

1. Endorphin Boost: Climbing is an intense workout that releases endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters. Every climb, whether indoors or out on a crag, leaves me with a natural high that combats the lows of depression. The endorphin rush is not just a fleeting moment of happiness; it sets a positive tone for the rest of my day.

2. Physical Health: Maintaining physical health is crucial in the battle against depression. Regular climbing has helped me build muscle, improve cardiovascular health, and boost overall energy levels. The stronger and fitter I feel, the better equipped I am to handle emotional challenges.

Mental Benefits: Sharpening Focus and Overcoming Fear

3. Mindfulness and Focus: When I'm on the wall, there's no room for negative thoughts. Climbing demands complete concentration on the next move, the next hold, and maintaining balance. This intense focus acts as a form of mindfulness, keeping my mind anchored in the present moment and away from the depressive thoughts that often plague me.

4. Overcoming Fear: Every climb is a lesson in facing and overcoming fear. The fear of falling, of not making it to the top, or of not being good enough. Each successful ascent, no matter how small, is a victory over these fears. These experiences build resilience and confidence, which carry over into other areas of life.

Emotional Benefits: Community and Accomplishment

5. Sense of Achievement: The feeling of reaching the top of a route is indescribable. Each climb is a tangible goal, and reaching the top provides a sense of accomplishment that is incredibly empowering. These small victories add up, fostering a sense of capability and progress that counters the helplessness often felt in depression.

6. Community Support: Climbing has introduced me to a supportive and passionate community. The friendships I've formed at climbing gyms and outdoor crags are invaluable. Having a group of people who share my interests and understand my struggles has provided a sense of belonging and support. The camaraderie and encouragement from fellow climbers can make a world of difference on tough days.

Practical Tips for Using Climbing to Combat Depression

1. Start Small: If you're new to climbing, start with indoor climbing gyms. They offer a controlled environment where you can learn the basics safely. Don't be intimidated by seasoned climbers—everyone was a beginner once.

2. Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals for each climbing session. It could be completing a particular route or even just spending a certain amount of time on the wall. Celebrate these small wins to build confidence and motivation.

3. Embrace the Process: Progress in climbing can be slow, and that's okay. Embrace the journey and be patient with yourself. Each attempt, whether successful or not, is a step forward.

4. Connect with the Community: Join climbing groups or clubs, both in person and online. Engaging with the community provides support, motivation, and a sense of belonging.

5. Balance Climbing with Other Treatments: While climbing is incredibly beneficial, it's important to balance it with other treatments like therapy and medication. Climbing is a powerful tool, but it's most effective as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

6. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Some days will be harder than others, and that's okay. Allow yourself to rest and recover when needed.

Final Thoughts

Rock climbing has been a transformative force in my life, helping me navigate the rocky terrain of depression. The combination of physical exertion, mental focus, and community support provides a holistic approach to managing my mental health. If you're struggling with depression, I encourage you to give climbing a try. It may just be the lifeline you need to climb out of the darkness.

Keep climbing, and remember, every ascent starts with a single step.

Warm regards,

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About Me


In my journey through life, I discovered the transformative power of rock climbing as a means to enhance my mental well-being. The vertical challenges and physical demands of climbing have become not only a thrilling adventure but also a crucial aspect of my mental health regimen. I find solace and strength in the ascent, conquering both physical and mental obstacles along the way. Beyond the cliffs and harnesses, I'm equally committed to raising awareness about mental health issues, using my experiences to foster understanding and support for those facing similar struggles. My dual identity as a rock climber and mental health advocate reflects my belief in the holistic connection between physical activity and mental well-being, a synergy that has profoundly shaped my personal and advocacy journey.


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